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Story time: A birthday to remember

It was a typical evening, and I walked with my father to the bakery to order my birthday cake. The anticipation of my birthday, which was just two days away, filled me with excitement.
As we entered the bakery, I felt a thrill knowing I would soon be celebrating with friends and family, enjoying the cake we were about to order. There were different types of cakes on display, and I got a little confused. After discussing it with my father, I ordered a customised cake.
When we arrived home, my mother gave invitations to all our close family and friends. The most exciting part of my birthday for me is when different people give me various presents.
The day of my birthday finally arrived. When I woke up, my family wished me first. My grandparents blessed me with their prayers and warm hugs. However, I had to wait the whole day for the birthday party because it was scheduled to start at eight in the night. Finally, at 7 o’clock, I started getting ready for the party. I wore my new frock and a crown.
Then my family and friends started arriving. I met everyone excitedly, and they wished me and gave me gifts. But my excitement wasn’t complete because my favourite aunt, Iman khala, hadn’t arrived yet. She always brings me unique and different birthday presents. Last year, she gave me a roller skates.
I was desperately waiting for her, and finally she arrived a bit late due to traffic.
She said in her usual tone, “Mirha, I have something special for you. You will love it.”
Everyone gathered around us because it was a special gift. My cousin Irtiza bhai, Iman khala’s son, had the basket in his hands. I was so excited, wondering what it could be. Then khala gave me the basket, and as I took the net off the basket, I saw a beautiful white kitten, which was incredibly cute. I hugged it and carried it around.
Everyone cheered because it was a very different gift and special gift. I thanked khala, as she knows how much I love cats. The kitten then jumped from my hands and went into the lawn to play. We left her there and gathered around the cake to cut it.
After cutting the cake, we had dinner. Then, we played some games and danced to some music. Finally, the party ended and everyone started leaving.
When everyone had gone, I thought of looking for my kitten. I searched the lawn, but she was not there. I called all my family members and asked if they had seen my kitten. They said I should have taken care of her and not let her go outside because kittens are curious creatures, and they can go out wandering. I got upset, thinking I had lost her.
Then, my elder brother advised we should go out and ask our neighbours if they had seen a white kitten. My dad and brother looked for it in the house and all around the neighbourhood, but returned empty-handed. I had tears in my eyes. Because of my carelessness, the kitten had gone missing.
We went inside the house and suddenly, my mother called, “Look, here’s your kitten! She is sleeping under the cushion here.”
We were all relieved to know that the kitten was safe in the house, and we all sighed in peace. We had been looking for her everywhere, and all this time she was right at home near us.
I hugged her, and my brother said, “Give your kitten, a name at least.”
So, I named her Butter because I had thought long ago that if I ever had a cat, I would name my cat Butter.
It was my best and most memorable birthday because I received my favourite birthday present and also learned an important lesson about taking care of my possessions.
Published in Dawn, Young World, September 14th, 2024
